Teacher iPads shrouded in controversy finally delivered.

The office of Superintendent Mark Johnson says 3,200 iPads, some collecting dust in a Raleigh textbook warehouse for the past year, have finally – FINALLY – been delivered to educators around the state. Johnson, never missing a photo-op, has been posing with teachers across the state delivering iPads to schools in yet another act of self-promotion.…

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This Labor Day, workers are realizing our own value

What does victory look like for the labor movement? Our movement will rise when we stop defining victory as not losing—and most of all when more workers realize our own value and the power of solidarity.  This Labor Day, workers are winning. Momentum is building. The balance of power is shifting. Across the country, working people are…

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Is this the end of partisan gerrymandering in North Carolina?

Last week, a three-judge panel in Wake County ruled unanimously that lawmakers violated the state constitution by gerrymandering the state’s legislative districts for partisan gain. Lawmakers have until September 18 to draw new maps using strict nonpartisan criteria and in public view, with the new maps subject to review by the court before the 2020 election. For…

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The Washington Post: Too many voters live under minority rule. Here’s why.

A three-judge panel has unanimously ruled that North Carolina’s legislative maps are unconstitutionally gerrymandered. Our Republican-led state legislature has been ordered to draw new maps by September 18th. The last time Republicans were tasked with redrawing their unconstitutional maps it was done behind closed doors and still took away the voices of the people. We…

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March For Our Lives to rally in Durham this weekend

Federal legislative change takes a long time, but 100 Americans are dying from gun violence every single day. That’s why we must push powerful and influential voices — who do not reside in gerrymandered Congressional districts — to do everything they can to build safer communities with fewer guns.  That’s why gun safety groups March…

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Past time for common-sense gun safety laws

With multiple deadly mass shootings happening each week in our country, it’s past time for “thoughts and prayers.” Now is the time for action on common-sense gun safety reforms in Congress and the General Assembly. Democratic lawmakers in North Carolina have proposed a number of gun safety solutions which deserve bipartisan support, including: Enacting “red…

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