Past time for common-sense gun safety laws

With multiple deadly mass shootings happening each week in our country, it’s past time for “thoughts and prayers.” Now is the time for action on common-sense gun safety reforms in Congress and the General Assembly.

  • Democratic lawmakers in North Carolina have proposed a number of gun safety solutions which deserve bipartisan support, including:
    • Enacting “red flag laws” to temporarily keep firearms out of the hands of individuals who are dangerous to themselves or the community
    • Strengthening background checks to ensure assault weapons do not get into the wrong hands
    • Raising the age to purchase an assault weapon to 21
    • Banning bump stocks, which turn semi-automatic guns into machine guns.
  • Every time there’s a new mass shooting, North Carolina Republicans offer their thoughts and prayers to the victims. But the NRA has given $6.9 million to Richard Burr and $4.4 million to Thom Tillis. Our lawmakers have been bought and paid for by the gun lobby. 
  • North Carolina deserves lawmakers who will look out for public safety, not campaign contributions from the gun lobby. Their corporate greed is causing a tidal wave of violence in our communities.

It’s past time for lawmakers to bring common-sense gun safety reforms to the floor. The victims and survivors of gun violence deserve to have a real debate on gun safety in North Carolina.