Federal Judges Request NC Acts Quickly on Gerrymandered Districts

Four days after the Supreme Court of the United States unanimously ruled 28 of North Carolina’s legislative districts unconstitutional, three federal judges released a memorandum stating they plan to act quickly. These judges have the ability to call for special 2017 elections and are requesting that the North Carolina General Assembly acts quickly in redrawing…

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Gov. Cooper Puts GOP Lawmakers on the Spot to Redraw New Districts ASAP

Republican lawmakers have the ability to draw new legislative maps quickly; they’re just flat out refusing to. This is why Gov. Cooper has called them out and reminding them that the Supreme Court of the United States, among other courts, have said the current legislative districts are unconstitutional and they’re refusing to fix the problems.…

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Russian Hacking Attempts in…North Carolina?

A National Security Agency leaked document was released Tuesday that claims Russian spies infiltrated a voting machine company that is used in North Carolina and a few other states. Following this hacking, the Russian spies sent emails to several election officials in an attempt to obtain their login information. The NSA, however, is unclear if…

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Illegal voting districts helped GOP win control of NC

The Supreme Court of the United States unanimously ruled Monday that 28 of North Carolina’s legislative districts were illegally drawn and racially gerrymandered. This means the NC GOP pack as many African Americans into as few districts as possible in order to maintain a Republican majority in the North Carolina House and Senate. Now that…

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Legislature’s budget — More comfort for the comfortable

The GOP-controlled House revealed their budget plan and it’s exactly what we expected: tax cuts for big corporations and underfunding education. The plan includes The House boasts about adding a small amount of money to NC scholarships, however, they are not providing adequate funding for our public schools and universities. Not only are they not providing…

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What’s Congress up to? Destroying Obamacare for North Carolinians

The Republicans in Congress are actively working to sabotage Obamacare and pass Trumpcare, which would lead to over 23 million people losing their health coverage. The Trump administration has said they may eliminate cost-sharing subsidies, which keep people’s premiums down, which led to North Carolina’s biggest health insurance provider to claim they may increase their rates…

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Trump Proposes Slashes to Financial Aid for College Students

Trump’s budget was released Tuesday and there are some huge budget cuts to education. Included in the education portion of Trump’s budget is a huge cut to federal financial aid for college students. UNC’s former President Molly Broad came out and spoke on the budget cuts, stating that these huge cuts to financial aid will…

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