Patheos: Oklahoma Lawmaker: Men Must Approve Abortion; Women Are ‘Hosts’

Oklahoma lawmakers have introduced legislation that would require those seeking abortion care to get a written consent from their partner. One Republican lawmaker defended this ridiculous bill by stating that women are mere hosts and that pregnant bodies are not their own. This is absolutely ridiculous — it is simply yet another law meant to…

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Gizmodo: How Google Maps Leads Women Seeking Abortions Astray

Crisis Pregnancy Centers pop up when you ask Google where you can receive abortion care. While there are nearly 3,000 CPCs in America and only 800 abortion clinics, this is absurd. Women seeking abortion care via Google should not have to worry about being led astray to a Crisis Pregnancy Center. This is yet another…

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Flip Benham aggressively gets in the faces of CMS board

On Tuesday, January 24 the Charlotte Mecklenburg school board held a hearing to expand support for LGBT students. During this hearing, Rev. Flip Benham lost control and openly objected to expanding support for LGBT students. He went so far as to get up out of his seat screaming and approaching the board members. Law enforcement…

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The New York Times: The Women the Abortion War Leaves Out

Those seeking abortion care often seek abortion for a variety of issues. These issues sometimes include homelessness, violence and addiction. Often one of the largest issues women seeking abortion care face is poverty. A study of 1,200 people who seek abortion care showed 73% of them saying that money was one of their biggest reasons for seeking…

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Reuters: Florida judge blocks abortion delay law, rules it unconstitutional

On Tuesday a Florida judge ruled Florida’s 24-hour abortion wait period unconstitutional. North Carolina also has a law that requires you wait at least 24 hours before receiving abortion care. Wait periods restrict abortion access for many and ultimately hurt those seeking abortion care. There is no need to make people wait for an abortion.…

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