Jezebel: At 6-Week Abortion Ban Hearing, Steve King Narrated a Sonogram

Wednesday, the Constitution and Civil Justice subcommittee held a hearing regarding the Heartbeat Protection Act, an act that would effectively ban all abortions after 6 weeks. This bill would ban abortions once a heartbeat is detected, which thanks to modern technology, is often at 6 weeks. Many women don’t even know they’re pregnant at 6…

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Rewire: Five Things to Know About Congressional Republicans’ Total Abortion Ban

Wednesday, November 1, Congress is hearing the Heartbeat Protection Act which would ban abortions after a heartbeat is detected–effectively banning abortion at six weeks. Many women don’t even know they’re pregnant at six weeks. The House passed a bill in October that bans abortion at 20 weeks, so GOP leaders are wanting to follow their momentum…

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Charlotte Deserves Access to Abortion Without Shame and Stigma

According to the Local Reproductive Freedom Index, Charlotte scores a 1.5…out of 5 stars. This means it is one of the worst cities for reproductive rights in the entire United States. Some factors that were considered when ranking cities were protecting access to abortion clinics, providing funding for reproductive rights, supporting young peoples’ access to…

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The Hill: McConnell: 20-week abortion ban will get Senate vote

Recently the House passed a 20-ban abortion bill, that will make it illegal for anyone to perform an abortion after 20 weeks, with prison and fines as possible penalties. Monday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell stated that the entire Republican party is in favor of this bill, however, he didn’t say when a vote can…

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Charlotte Observer: If Thom Tillis made $40k a year, what would he think of the Republican health plan?

Senators Thom Tillis and Richard Burr don’t represent the majority of Americans, they only represent the top 0.1%. The top 0.1% that they represent will receive tax breaks instead of premium hikes like most Americans relying on the ACA will face, if Trumpcare passes. The two North Carolina Senators are failing to understand anyone other than the top 0.1%.…

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Raleigh News & Observer: Senate Obamacare repeal bill would leave 22 million more without health insurance

The Congressional Budget Office released a document on Monday stating that under the Senate’s Trumpcare plan 22 million Americans will lose health coverage. Trumpcare mainly targets older people and those with pre-existing conditions, increasing their premiums significantly while giving tax breaks to the top 0.1%.  From News & Observer: Like the AHCA, the Senate legislation would cut subsidies that…

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Raleigh News & Observer: The big lies about health care

The Senate’s version of Trumpcare is exactly what we expected: a bill that favors the top 0.1% and will leave millions of Americans without health coverage. Republicans claim they support health care for all Americans, but it’s clear they really prioritize tax breaks for the top 0.1%. The GOP claims they want to lower premiums, but their…

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