WRAL: Raleigh events protest Trump immigration stance

Over 2,000 immigrant children and babies have been separated from their families and placed into shelters and camps since April of this year. This practice is immoral, inhumane, and un-American. That’s why North Carolinians took to the streets on Wednesday to demand an end to the Trump Administration’s human rights abuses, and for families to be reunited.

From WRAL:

RALEIGH, N.C. — At least two different rallies were held in Raleigh Wednesday amid outrage over a policy by the Trump Administration to detain and separate parents and their children who are attempting to enter the U.S. illegally.

Both events were planned before President Trump signed an executive order that ended the separation of families by indefinitely detaining parents and children together at the border.

“We’re going to have strong, very strong borders but we are going to keep the families together,” Trump said as he signed the order at his desk in the Oval Office. “I didn’t like the sight or the feeling of families being separated.”

At 4:30 p.m., dozens of people gathered in downtown Raleigh for the Keep Families Together event that was held at Bicentennial Plaza and organized by the Carolina Peace Center. Religious leaders, lawyers and civic activists gathered to hear speakers and hold signs to protest the Trump immigration action.

“We as a people have a duty,” said Faisal Khan of the Carolina Peace Center. “It’s incumbent upon us as citizens of the United States to stand up and speak out and keep calling our legislators, keep writing them, keep visiting them and keep reinforcing it. Of course we are only six months away from the election (and) that’s also really important.”

Organizers said they want the federal government to follow a more humane process for those trying to enter the country illegally, a process that includes not allowing children to be held in a detention center even if they are with their parents.

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