Daily Reflector: Activists rally around healthcare, reproductive rights at Greenville Town Hall

Several advocacy groups, including Progress, met in Greenville to speak on the issues of a second Trump Supreme Court confirmation. President Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh after Justice Kennedy announced his retirement.

Kavanaugh has a long history of ruling against contraception, abortion, and the Affordable Care Act, which makes his nomination all the more troubling. Because Kavanaugh’s confirmation is likely, attendees were urged to demand stronger protections on healthcare.

From the Daily Reflector:

Several advocacy groups in North Carolina are holding meetings to raise awareness of the ramifications of Brett Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court, saying that it would lead to an increased need for public support of reproductive rights and general healthcare.

Kavanaugh was nominated by President Trump in July after Justice Anthony Kennedy announced he was stepping down. Confirmation hearings for Kavanaugh are scheduled for Sept. 4.

On Tuesday night, about 30 people gathered at the Eppes Recreation Center at a rally organized by various groups, including pro-choice advocates like Planned Parenthood.

The event included a panel discussion between advocacy professionals and members of the community.

Panel members said that among their concerns regarding Kavanaugh were his views toward abortion, birth control and the Affordable Care Act.

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