Long-awaited sexual assault bill finally clears the General Assembly

At long last, North Carolina is no longer the only state in the country where a woman cannot revoke consent to have sex once sex has begun. After years of NCGA leaders killing bills to update North Carolina’s sexual assault laws, the legislation finally made it to Gov. Cooper’s desk last week. Before this law was passed, if…

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Rewire: An Anti-Choice Group Misspent $50,000 on Religious Material. North Carolina Wants to Give It $400,000 More.

The Anti-abortion group that runs the dubious “Crisis Pregnancy Centers” in North Carolina used tens of thousands of dollars on the printing of illegal religious rhetoric pamphlets.  Instead of receiving any consequences for their unconstitutional actions the Republican-led General Assembly wants to give them $400K more in funds. From Rewire: Last year, Rewire.News revealed that…

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Budget would quadruple funding for anti-choice fake pregnancy clinics

In addition to throwing schools and low-income families under the bus, the GOP budget awards more than $1.2 million to fake clinics designed to deceive pregnant people. Although Raleigh politicians claim not to have enough money for textbooks or school nurses, they appear to have ample funds for Christian-based conservative clinics that do little other…

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Cooper & pro-choice champions beat back deceptive anti-abortion bill and NC-GOP’s shameful political stunts

The deceptive so-called “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act” has been defeated once and for all, even though House Speaker Tim Moore tried to postpone the veto override vote at least NINE times. He wanted to sneak in a vote when pro-choice champions like Rep. Sydney Batch of Wake County, who is currently recovering from breast cancer treatment, were not…

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Public News Service – Study: Black Women May Be Most Affected by NC Abortion Restrictions

In North Carolina, the number of people without access to health care is disproportionately women of color. Without this access, it is very difficult for these women to obtain expensive contraceptive medication. Because North Carolina lawmakers refuse to expand Medicaid, contraception and prenatal care are nearly impossible for lower-income women. North Carolina already has one of the…

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Cooper vetoes bad-faith “Born Alive” bill

Gov. Roy Cooper has vetoed the latest Republican abortion bill, another attack on health care using sensationalist claims not based in science. Although the GOP no longer has super-majorities in both chambers of the General Assembly, they may still be able to scrape up the two-thirds majority necessary to overturn the veto. No matter what happens, one…

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