Budget would quadruple funding for anti-choice fake pregnancy clinics

In addition to throwing schools and low-income families under the bus, the GOP budget awards more than $1.2 million to fake clinics designed to deceive pregnant people. Although Raleigh politicians claim not to have enough money for textbooks or school nurses, they appear to have ample funds for Christian-based conservative clinics that do little other than persuade people not to choose abortion.

  • The budget names several different Crisis Pregnancy Centers — or fake health clinics — that will receive $1.2 million total.
  • These clinics in North Carolina have been spending taxpayer dollars on Christian-based programming. This is a violation of the separation of Church and State, and the Department of Health and Human Services is investigating it.
  • The budget also includes a provision to accept any and all federal funds designed to pay for abstinence until marriage sex education programs in public schools
  • The Human Coalition — a noted anti-abortion group that touts a total of “babies saved” on its website — gets $250,000.

There are hundreds — maybe thousands — of health care facilities that need the General Assembly’s help. But by specifically funding anti-abortion groups, the politicians in Raleigh set a clear moral standard. This is unacceptable. Well more than half of North Carolinians believe abortion should be accessible and safe. These politicians are not representing the will — or needs — of those they represent.