Teacher iPads shrouded in controversy finally delivered.

The office of Superintendent Mark Johnson says 3,200 iPads, some collecting dust in a Raleigh textbook warehouse for the past year, have finally – FINALLY – been delivered to educators around the state. Johnson, never missing a photo-op, has been posing with teachers across the state delivering iPads to schools in yet another act of self-promotion.…

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Here’s why the May 1 teacher walkout is so critical

The politicians in Raleigh have done almost nothing to reverse the long-term cuts to our public schools that are making it harder and harder to give our students the quality education they deserve. Instead of reinvesting in public education, lawmakers would rather give huge tax breaks to millionaires and big corporations. Educators have had enough.…

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Winston Salem Journal: Our view: Our teachers deserve help

North Carolinians support their teachers.  Teachers in our state are working in crumbling buildings, with no supplies, for low pay.  Many teachers work multiple jobs to make ends meet.  Republicans want us to believe that they have fixed the problem, but according to our teachers, the problems have only gotten worse.  The people of this…

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The Winston-Salem Journal: Stand with the teachers

On May 16th thousands of educators across North Carolina will be heading to Raleigh to confront lawmakers and demand more funding for our schools.  Teachers in North Carolina make $9,600 less than the national average.  Many teachers work multiple jobs to make ends meet.  Classroom funding has been cut in half over the last 10…

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From The Salisbury Post: Teachers, students put civics into action

Teachers and students around the country are exercising their rights to demand action from lawmakers.  Teachers are demanding better pay and students are demanding a safer world. Together they have the potential to change education in our country to be safer and more effective.  It’s time politicians listen and represent the best interest of the people.…

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From Public Radio East: Teacher Vacancies Hard To Fill In ENC

Recent tax cuts for the wealthy and big corporations led to big cuts in public school funding in North Carolina. When adjusted for inflation teachers in our state are making 12% less than they were in 1999-2000. Now teacher shortages are a problem around the state as teachers move away for higher pay or quit…

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