High-quality public schools are the key to the American Dream and to keeping our state prosperous.

North Carolina is strongest when we all have a chance to succeed, and that chance begins in our public schools – the heart and soul of our communities. Providing quality public schools for all children used to be a nonpartisan issue, but unfortunately, that’s not true anymore.

school girl

The truth is that Mark Robinson and Michele Morrow are too dangerous to be trusted with our kids’ education.
Just take a look at their record:

Spewing Violent Rhetoric

Robinson and Morrow often recklessly use violent political rhetoric. Morrow posted on social media that she wanted to watch a firing squad execute President Obama, just one of the many times she has called for the death of politicians, including Governor Cooper. Robinson made news this past summer for remarks he made while speaking at a church, including saying “some people need killing.” 

Embracing Conspiracy Theories

Michele Morrow is a fervent believer in delusional and violent conspiracy theories like QAnon and other conspiracy theories which have been linked to numerous acts of violence. Morrow claimed that China somehow placed thousands of soldiers along our borders to ensure Biden took office. She believes that the 2020 election was stolen and called for it to be overturned by military force. Robinson has said he wouldn’t be surprised if the moon landing was fake and 9/11 was an inside job. 

Undermining our Public Schools

Both Morrow and Robinson want to eliminate the U.S. Department of Education, and have suggested they would support rejecting $1.67 billion in federal funding, a devastating blow to our schools that would impact career and technical education, special needs students, school meals, and more.


Robinson wants to eliminate history and science curriculum from elementary schools, ensuring our children fall behind their peers in other states. Robinson has called hardworking educators “wicked people” and as Lieutenant Governor used state resources to harass educators about so-called “indoctrination” in schools. Morrow has called public schools “indoctrination centers.”  

Every child deserves a quality education, no matter the color of their skin or where they call home. We need to retain good teachers and principals, maintain modern facilities, and give students the tools they need to succeed, not dismantle our public schools and give more of our tax dollars to the wealthy and big corporations.

Paid for by North Carolina Families First and Conservation Votes PAC; not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee